Former breeding cats

There she was! I just couldn’t resist her when I saw her at S*Just Catnaps cattery. This time we’ll travel all the way up to Umeå in northern of Sweden.

Alma has a nice head with a perfect straight profile and very big ears with tufts, and the best of all – she’s got a wilderness look! She also got a very big and strong body, just like her father GIC Dorian av Tyssedal (D). Bringing Alma into our breeding means that we will have som new and interesting lines in the future. Thank you Kerstin Kristiansson for trusting us Alma.

As the years passed by she got great results from shows and as a little girl she became Skogkattmästare in Skogkattslingan 2006-09-10. In the beginning of 2007 it was Almas second show as an adult and she became Best in Show. Actually, she was Best in Show for 9 times until July the same year. What a fantastic girl she is!!! In October we went to World Winner show in Bratislava and she became both BIV and NOM.

We’ll continue to take her to show as long as she likes it. Our dream is that she will have beautiful kittens with our first Norwegian forest cat, Leo, GIC S*Restless Nightcrawler.

When the end of 2007 was a fact, we almost couldn’t believe it was true… She became, #1 Adult at Birka Clubcat 2007, #1 Adult at Skogkattslingan 2007, #2 Adult at Skogkatt of the year 2007 and #2 Adult at SVERAK 2007.

In March 2008 she gave birth to seven lovely kittens together with our Leo, GIC S*Restless Nightcrawler. S*NC’s Supertramp litter had five girls and two boys. We are looking forward to see how they will progress in the future.

Later on 2008, in October we went to World Winner show in Lisbon, Portugal with Alma and her daughter Blåbär, Words Unspoken and we came back with one World Winner cat – Alma! It was a amazing time and a great feeling of course! We will never forget about this weekend.

Looking back at the year 2008 we are very proud to tell that S*NC’s Supertramp litter has done more then well at catspaws around the world. Three of the kittens became Junior Winners, S*NC’s Sister Moonshine, S*NC’s Sooner Or Later and S*NC’s Words Unspoken.

Now we are looking forward to 2009. Our plans for Alma is to meet our frenchman Casanova and hopefully they will have som beautiful kittens in spring of 2009.

Well, sometimes thing doesn’t go as you may like. At the first mating with Casanova she got an infection (Pyometra). She recovered vert well and at the second mating together everything went fine. The lovely kittens in S*NC’s Queen litter was born in 2009-06-28.

During the year of 2009/2010 S*NC’s Queen litter has had fantastic results on cat shows. Four of the kittens became Junior Winners, S*NC’s Back Chat, S*NC’s Invisible Man, S*NC’s Killer Queen and S*NC’s Cool Cat.We are so proud of all cats!

2010 was a great and successful year for our girl Alma. She was on eight shows in Sweden and became Best In Show at all eight of them! In February she also became Distinguished Merit, and in April Distinguished Show Merit.

As usual we took a trip to the World Show, now in France, St. Etienne. Almas company on this trip was her son S*NC’s Back Chat. It was his first World Show ever and we were very exciting to see him compete against a lot of other beautiful cats from all over the world. He was really close to became the best neuter male in group 4, but he lost against his half-brother. Instead Alma were class winner, nominated and also World Winner 2010 for her second time! Such a amazing girl!

This year also ended up with a another big happening for us, her son in Denmark S*NC’s Invisible Man got his first NW-title in Denmarks history. Congratulations to DK Seecom’s cattery!

2011 started with kittens for Alma, together with our own Mirre, S*NC’s Man In The Mirror. We had hoped for a tortie girl but there was only three lovely boys instead. The litters name was S*NC’s Lady Gaga litter.

After she had kittens she started to get into show condition again. In August we took her to this years first show. She became BIS and also Distinguished Variety Merit. When the year was over we could count to eight BIS, one BOB cat.2, one BOB-total and finally World Winner for the third time! At the same time her son S*NC’s Back Chat also became World Winner in neuter class. Guess if we are proud?! What a year 2011!!!

In the beginning of 2012 we started to plan for the next date for Alma. Finally we found the beautiful male GIC S*Zygots Cornetto DVM. The lovely kittens in S*NC’s David Bowie litter was born i May. There was five boys and the last one… a girl! It was a bluetortie girl that just was ment to stay with us! S*NC’s China Girl.

Later this year we had the opportunity to borrow a very handsome male from our friends Berth-Åke & Irené Wihlborg. The handsome boy was SC Ray Davies Blue Tanis*CH, DVM. He is a big male with many good qualitys. In december 2012 there were five nice kittens born, three boys and two girls. The kittens from S*NC’s The Kinks litter has grown up into very nice cats and has been shown on several cat shows with very good results. One of the boys, S*NC’s Waterloo Sunset, is now living together with his dad in the family Wihlborgs home.

2013 became a show year for Alma. This year became a very successful year for us. She became both Scandinavian Winner in Norrköping and also National Winner. What a year!

In the beginning of 2014 it was time for her sixth litter to be born. So in february there were four kittens in S*NC’s The Ark litter and only males this time. The father of this litter was Casanova again since we think this combination was so fantastic last time. Since there was no female born we decided to keep one of the males, S*NC’s Calleth You Cometh I. Calle as we call him, will be our future breeding male.

Almas last litter, S*NC’s Elvis Presley litter, was born in January 2015 together with our male Pushan Omahkatayo*PL. Five kittens were born and there were three boys and two girls. We decided that one female must stay since this litter probobly would be Almas last. They all grow up nice and finally we decided to keep S*NC’s Good Luck Charm & S*NC’s King Creole.

This year Alma’s beautiful daughter, S*NC’s Cool Cat became National Winner! Contratulations!

In march 2016 it was time to celebrate Alma 10 years old! This year also started with a surgery since Alma had got a mammary tumor. At the same time she became nutered. She recovered very well and in October she was in full condition and could follow us to Wien for the World Show and compete in the neutered class. We could not imagine that she once again should take another WS title, her 4:th WS title! Alma became WW’16 for neutered females. What a dream she is!

We had of course hoped that 2017 would have started better but instead we found another mammary tumor. So it was time for her second surgery on the same side and this time they removed the entire row. It was a much bigger surgery than last time but she recovered well once again and could follow us to some shows in the end of the year. We had the pleasure to bring her to the World Show again, this time in Holland. There she became Grand International Premier.

The next year we discovered that several tumors had come back on both sides. So in March of 2018, after consultation with a specialist in oncology, we decided that there was nothing more to do. Of course we had hoped that Alma would have some more years together with us. Instead one of the biggest tumor burst, and the 8:th of August we had to put her to sleep forever.

It’s so hard to explain how much she ment to me and my family. Alma was a fantastic cat. She had a gloria around wich few cats have. She was the queen in our cattery and was always friendly and the other cats felt safe in her presence.

Thank you Alma for all the wonderful memories you gave me and my family during your fantastic 12 years. We will miss you so much but never forget you!

Rest in peace my most beautiful Alma.

Attended shows 2006-2017 # 105
Achived BIS 2006-2017 # 74
SW-title # 1
WS-title # 4
NW-title # 1
EC-title # 2007
DSM-title # 2010
DM-title # 2010
DVM-title # 2011
GIP-title # 2017
Skogkattmästare # 2006
NFO united # BOB
BOB # 4
BIS breeding female # 3
BIS senior # 7
BIS veteran # 14

Day of birth

2006.03.28 – 2018.08.08




NFO n 09 24


Alma was tested for HCM 2007, 2009 and 2013. Her heart was normal. She has also been tested negative for Felv and FIV in 2008. GSD IV-negative 2008-05-02. PK-def negative


Mother: IC Aranja av Tyssedal, NFO n and Father: GIC Dorian av Tyssedal, DM, NFO n 09 22


Vestibulum tellus risus, pretium et facilisis nec, porta in felis. Nullam fermentum, lorem nec tincidunt tempus, risuslectus venenatis nisi, quis ultrices tortor arcu id diam. Nunc eros est, iaculis non quam et, mattis dignissim lacus. Vivamus finibus id augue eu sagittis. Nam sapien nisi, auctor in vestibulum in, pulvinar vel nibh. Pellentesque malesuada sit amet nulla sit amet porttitor. Proin fringilla nulla eget libero varius, eu blandit sapien consectetur.