Former breeding cats

This is Goodie! A female that we wanted to keep after Alma and Pushan from S*NC’s Elvis litter. She already had a very promising development when she was a little girl and we decided to keep her. Her coat is very strong and she has a lot of good qualitys. We couldn’t wait to see her first kittens but it didn’t turn out that way. Before she was mated she got a very bad pyometra and then we decided to neuter her instead. It was really sad but somethimes you have to make hard decisions. Now she lives together with her very best friend Pushan. She is a very big female, one of the biggest in our cattery and maybe we will take her to cat shows in the future?

Sometimes things change and Goodie became very ill in July 2017. After consulation with our veterinarian the reason was fat liver. We tried to save her but nothing helped and when she became more and more worse, we had to take the heard decision. Sleep well sweet Goodie.

Day of birth

2015-01-27 – 2017-07-04




NFO n 03 22


GSD4 N/N, PK-def N/N


Mother: WW’08’10’11’16 SW NW GIP EC Just Catnap’s Alma Snowflake DM DSM DVM and Father: Pushan Omahkatayo, NFO n 09 23


Vestibulum tellus risus, pretium et facilisis nec, porta in felis. Nullam fermentum, lorem nec tincidunt tempus, risuslectus venenatis nisi, quis ultrices tortor arcu id diam. Nunc eros est, iaculis non quam et, mattis dignissim lacus. Vivamus finibus id augue eu sagittis. Nam sapien nisi, auctor in vestibulum in, pulvinar vel nibh. Pellentesque malesuada sit amet nulla sit amet porttitor. Proin fringilla nulla eget libero varius, eu blandit sapien consectetur.