Suddenly I saw this beautiful girl with her fantastic silver color and also a real NFO expression. Both her parents are silver colored and are two fantastically nice cats with good qualities and size. In addition to that, they also have an interesting pedigree that I like.
During the end of the year 2019 and following year, as you all know, there have been no exhibitions, so when the time comes, Dior has already become an adult.The best thing is always that a cat gets used to shows already when they are kittens, but we naturally hope that she will be able to follow us to some shows when it’s time again.
She has now developed into a nice girl and we wish that we soon will have some nice offspring after her. Thank you Monia Vilén, SE*Stjärnflockan’s NFO for the trust so that ”Dior” could live with us.
Day of birth
NFO ns 03 24
GSD4-negative (both parents negative)
PK-def-negative (both parents negative)
Mother: CH Hemligheten’s Cassidy, NFO ns 02 21 62 and Father: Isgården’s Sundance Kid, NFO as 09 24

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