Former breeding cats

Suddenly there he was, a male with a fantastic qualities. I really didn’t need a new male but I couldn’t resist this lovely guy. He has a fantastic head that has a very broad triangle shape and his ears are very wide at the base and has a perfect placement. I also love his look that is a great NFO look for me.

Im so happy that he also got a pedigree where I could find some of my cats that I once started my breeding with and there is also some new lines. Garfield is actually a cat that is the result of fine cooperation between different breeders from several Scandinavian countries and all the way to Brasil. It will be very interesting to have him in our breeding work.

Day of birth





NFO d 09 22


HCM not tested.

GSD4 N/N. PK-def N/N


Mother: Rockringen’s Rock-a-Hula Baby, NFO f 09 and Father: Miadore Virgulino, NFO n 09 22


Vestibulum tellus risus, pretium et facilisis nec, porta in felis. Nullam fermentum, lorem nec tincidunt tempus, risuslectus venenatis nisi, quis ultrices tortor arcu id diam. Nunc eros est, iaculis non quam et, mattis dignissim lacus. Vivamus finibus id augue eu sagittis. Nam sapien nisi, auctor in vestibulum in, pulvinar vel nibh. Pellentesque malesuada sit amet nulla sit amet porttitor. Proin fringilla nulla eget libero varius, eu blandit sapien consectetur.