In the autumn of 2021 we saw this kitten on FaceBook for the very first time. Actually, we had not planned for a male, but after following him for a few weeks, I could not resist asking his breeder Teresa & Joaquin if he could come and live with us.

So, at the beginning of December, it was time for us to go to Spain and pick him up. It was a fantastic trip to an equally fantastick city, Ávila. There we met Khan for the first time in connection with a cat show. There he was and he was far above my expectations, beautiful as a dream with an amazing charisma. It turned out that his temperament was just as wonderful to.

Finally back home in Sweden and there he showed again his self-confidence and his super social temperament. We are incredibly grateful to Teresa and Joaquin, cattery de Tsavo*ES, for giving us the confidence to have this wonderful boy in our home.

Day of birth





NFO n 09 22


GSD IV-negative (both parents negative)
PK-def negative (both parents negative)


Mother: Farah de Tsavo, NFO n 22,and Father: Perun’s Butch Cassidy, NFO n 03 22


Vestibulum tellus risus, pretium et facilisis nec, porta in felis. Nullam fermentum, lorem nec tincidunt tempus, risuslectus venenatis nisi, quis ultrices tortor arcu id diam. Nunc eros est, iaculis non quam et, mattis dignissim lacus. Vivamus finibus id augue eu sagittis. Nam sapien nisi, auctor in vestibulum in, pulvinar vel nibh. Pellentesque malesuada sit amet nulla sit amet porttitor. Proin fringilla nulla eget libero varius, eu blandit sapien consectetur.