We have been looking for a new female for a long time and finally we found the right on! A fantastic silver girl from Denmark. We were looking for a female with good qualities and that is what this beautiful girl has. Good chin, profile & triangle, strong bones and silver to die for. We are so curious to see what this lovely girl can add to our breeding work in the future.
We are deeply grateful to Sakeena and Lone for giving us this opportunity.
Day of birth
NS 02 21 62
GSD IV-negative (both parents negative)
PK-def negative (both parents negative)
Mother: Sakeena’s Lolita, NFO fs 03 24 and Father: SC Preuss Emporio Armani DVM, NFO n 09 22
Vestibulum tellus risus, pretium et facilisis nec, porta in felis. Nullam fermentum, lorem nec tincidunt tempus, risuslectus venenatis nisi, quis ultrices tortor arcu id diam. Nunc eros est, iaculis non quam et, mattis dignissim lacus. Vivamus finibus id augue eu sagittis. Nam sapien nisi, auctor in vestibulum in, pulvinar vel nibh. Pellentesque malesuada sit amet nulla sit amet porttitor. Proin fringilla nulla eget libero varius, eu blandit sapien consectetur.