Since Alma didn’t have any tortiefemales so far, I have started to plan for a new mating between a red male. There he was – GIC S*Zygot’s Cornetto! When Alma was going to deliver the kittens, I was so excited. The first one was a boy, the second, and so on. When the fifth kitten also was a boy, I had to give up my dream of a tortie girl from Alma. The sixth kittens was blue, but there was something red in her face? YES it was a blutortie girl for me!! She saved her to the end, just to make it more excited! Since the theme for this litter was David Bowie, her name became China Girl.
Day of birth
NFO g 09 23
GSD IV-negative (both parents negative) PK-def negative
Mother: WW’08’10’11’16 SW NW GIP EC Just Catnap’s Alma Snowflake DM DSM DVM and Father: GIC Zygot’s Cornetto DVM
Vestibulum tellus risus, pretium et facilisis nec, porta in felis. Nullam fermentum, lorem nec tincidunt tempus, risuslectus venenatis nisi, quis ultrices tortor arcu id diam. Nunc eros est, iaculis non quam et, mattis dignissim lacus. Vivamus finibus id augue eu sagittis. Nam sapien nisi, auctor in vestibulum in, pulvinar vel nibh. Pellentesque malesuada sit amet nulla sit amet porttitor. Proin fringilla nulla eget libero varius, eu blandit sapien consectetur.